The Swedish Dementia Centre is the national centre for excellence in the field of dementia. The centre collects, structures and disseminates knowledge about dementia. One of our principal tasks is to strengthen the links between research and practice and to communicate evidence based knowledge in a practical setting to health and social care givers. In collaboration with authorities and organisations, we work to inspire and promote the development of a more dementia-friendly society.
More about us
The Swedish Dementia Centre (SDC) was founded in 2008. The commission of creating a national centre for excellence in dementia care was given to two foundations, Silviahemmet and Stockholm Gerontology Research Center, by the the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and commissioned by the National Board of Health and Welfare. SDC became an independent foundation in 2013. SDC is financed through governmental support and grant organizations.
Our commission
- collect, structure and disseminate knowledge about dementia and dementia care
- compile evaluations and research results
- develop more practically orientated knowledge
- facilitate translation of research and implementation of new knowledge into nursing and care, interventions and social policy
- be a link between research, practice and decision makers
- be the hub of a national network for research and development units.
Our vision is to be a centre of excellence that gradually builds up a bank of knowledge within the area of dementia, and actively promotes development in care of persons with dementia – towards a more dementia-friendly society.
The website is divided into six areas; About dementia, Living with dementia, Working with dementia, Research, Education and Publications. It contains new research findings, current university programmes and courses as well as scales for diagnosis. There is also a calendar for upcoming events and conferences as well as a news section. We also run another website dedicated to young family members.
Education platform
The education platform with more than 490 000 users contains online courses for various professional categories and for family caregivers. All courses are free of charge and available to everyone.
Other channels
Other communication channels include newsletters, Twitter, Facebook and podcasts. Every year we parti
The Swedish Dementia Centre (SDC) was founded in 2008. The commission of creating a national centre for excellence in dementia care was given to two foundations, Silviahemmet and Stockholm Gerontology Research Center, by the the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and commissioned by the National Board of Health and Welfare. SDC became an independent foundation in 2013. SDC is financed through governmental support and grant organizations.
Our commission
- collect, structure and disseminate knowledge about dementia and dementia care
- compile evaluations and research results
- develop more practically orientated knowledge
- facilitate translation of research and implementation of new knowledge into nursing and care, interventions and social policy
- be a link between research, practice and decision makers
- be the hub of a national network for research and development units.
Our vision is to be a centre of excellence that gradually builds up a bank of knowledge within the area of dementia, and actively promotes development in care of persons with dementia – towards a more dementia-friendly society.
The website is divided into six areas; About dementia, Living with dementia, Working with dementia, Research, Education and Publications. It contains new research findings, current university programmes and courses as well as scales for diagnosis. There is also a calendar for upcoming events and conferences as well as a news section. We also run another website dedicated to young family members.
Education platform
The education platform with more than 490 000 users contains online courses for various professional categories and for family caregivers. All courses are free of charge and available to everyone.
Other channels
Other communication channels include newsletters, Twitter, Facebook and podcasts. Every year we participate and arrange workshops and conferences in Sweden and abroad.
Information sheets
Information sheets in different languages have been produced and are free of charge to download. The sheets cover different dementia-related topics. You can find the information sheets here (new window)
Most of our publications are in Swedish but a few have been translated to English.
A Book for You Living with Dementia
If you have recently been diagnosed with dementia, this is a book for you. This book will give you plenty of advice on how to make your everyday life work as smoothly as possible. Several People with dementia share their experience. As they testify, a rich and meaningful life is quite possible despite having a severe disease. More information in our webshop (new window).
Vision Zero – For Dementia Care without Retraint
A personcentred care is the key to prevent difficult situations to arise, and is also a way to develop strategies to respond to them if they occur. This book will inspire and give you tools to work personcentred.
The book’s title is also our aim and something to strive for, Vision Zero: For Dementia Care without Restraint. More information in our webshop (new window).

Läs hela artikeln
Most of our publications are in Swedish but a few have been translated to English.
A Book for You Living with Dementia
If you have recently been diagnosed with dementia, this is a book for you. This book will give you plenty of advice on how to make your everyday life work as smoothly as possible. Several People with dementia share their experience. As they testify, a rich and meaningful life is quite possible despite having a severe disease. More information in our webshop (new window).
Vision Zero – For Dementia Care without Retraint
A personcentred care is the key to prevent difficult situations to arise, and is also a way to develop strategies to respond to them if they occur. This book will inspire and give you tools to work personcentred.
The book’s title is also our aim and something to strive for, Vision Zero: For Dementia Care without Restraint. More information in our webshop (new window).
Swedish Dementia Centre – For a Dementia Friendly Society
Four pages about us. Please, order by mail,
Om demens (About dementia) – an app for police and security guards
Text in both English and Swedish. Download the app Om demens (About dementia) for free from AppStore and Google play.
Nollvision (Vision Zero) – an app for professionals and family
Nollvision (Vision Zero) provides knowledge about dementia diseases and gives practical tips on how to handle difficult situations without resorting to restraint. One section is addressing healthcare professionals and another family members. Text in both English and Swedish. Download the app for free from AppStore and Google play.
A new version of the app was launched in February 2024.
Board & Steering Group
The Board
The Swedish Dementia Centre´s board consists of three representatives elected from the Stiftelsen Silviahemmet (SH) and three representatives from Stockholm Gerontology Research Center (ÄC).
Torun Boucher, City commissioner, Elderly Care and Culture, Stockholm muncipality (ÄC), Thérèse Hellichius, Member of Region Stockholm Assembly (ÄC), Ann-Charlotte Roupe, Silvia Sister (SH), Maria Eriksdotter, Chief Medical Officer and Professor, Karolinska Institute (SH) och Ingrid Markström, Member of Region Stockholm Assembly (ÄC) och Johan Herlin Ejerhed, Doctor and Operations Manager (SH).
Steering Group
Wilhelmina Hoffman, Geriatrician, President, Swedish Dementia Centre
Gunilla Nordberg, Nurse and Ph.D., Vice President, Swedish Dementia Centre
Ann-Christin Kärrman, Nurse, Development Manager for Health and Social Care, Swedish Dementia Centre
The Board
The Swedish Dementia Centre´s board consists of three representatives elected from the Stiftelsen Silviahemmet (SH) and three representatives from Stockholm Gerontology Research Center (ÄC).
Torun Boucher, City commissioner, Elderly Care and Culture, Stockholm muncipality (ÄC), Thérèse Hellichius, Member of Region Stockholm Assembly (ÄC), Ann-Charlotte Roupe, Silvia Sister (SH), Maria Eriksdotter, Chief Medical Officer and Professor, Karolinska Institute (SH) och Ingrid Markström, Member of Region Stockholm Assembly (ÄC) och Johan Herlin Ejerhed, Doctor and Operations Manager (SH).
Steering Group
Wilhelmina Hoffman, Geriatrician, President, Swedish Dementia Centre
Gunilla Nordberg, Nurse and Ph.D., Vice President, Swedish Dementia Centre
Ann-Christin Kärrman, Nurse, Development Manager for Health and Social Care, Swedish Dementia Centre